Make Baja Crema (Variation on Mexican Crema)

Lime PhotoA creamy accompaniment to fish tacos, vegetable dishes, egg dishes, and hummus, Baja Crema is a delicious combination of tart and smooth. I've added some spice to the traditional Baja Crema, giving it some unexpected zip.

Baja Crema Recipe with Herbs (lime thyme, dill, and garlic)

1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1½ teaspoons grated lime peel
½ teaspoon fresh dill
½ teaspoon fresh lime thyme
1 teaspoon garlic juice
Pinch of salt

Blend all ingredients, being sure to chop or grate herbs and lemon peal fine.

For a lighter offering, you can substitute yogurt for some of the mayonnaise.

Special Notes:
One of the great things about keeping herbs is that you can indulge in varieties that are rare and unusual. Lime thyme, as in the recipe above, and lemon basil can liven up the garden and your kitchen.

Expand your herb repertoire this season with a few exotic additions. Nutmeg scented geraniums, yellow lavender, lemon basil, and pineapple sage are good choices, but there are many, many others. Your crafts, teas, recipes, and herb patch will benefit. Grab a book, check out an online herb supplier - and subscribe to this blog to learn more about the wonderful world of herbs.
